
  1. Research Technician

    MAR2PROTECT - Preventing groundwater contamination related to global and climate change through a holistic approach on managed aquifer recharge.
  2. PhD candidate

  3. Research Technician

    MarRISK - Climate Change Coastal Adaptations, knowing the risks and resilience growing.
  4. Research Technician

    MarINFO - Integrated Platform for Marine Data Acquisition and Analysis.
  5. Instructor

    CIENTAMOSTRA - Scientific Certification for Conducting Sampling Campaigns.
  6. Research Technician

    ECO-IAS - Ecosystem-Level Impacts of an Invasive Alien Species.
  7. Research Technician

    EDP Sabor - Baixo Sabor Hydroelectric Dam Integrated Environmental Monitoring Program (PIMA)
  8. Internship

    Environmental impact of the spill of hydrochloric acid in the river Febros


  1. PhD candidate in Do*Mar Marine Science, Technology and Management

    University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro
    Thesis on Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Services. Supervised by Dr Sandra Ramos, and cosupervised by Professor Edna Cabecinha and Professor Sebastian Villasante.
  2. PGD in Remote Sensing

    University of Porto
  3. MSc in Ecology

    Univeristy of Porto
    Thesis on ‘Prospects for the integration of riparian habitats ecological monitoring in the implementation of two EU Directives - Habitat and Water Framework Directives’. Supervised by Professor João Honrado, and Dr Cristiana Costa Vieira.
  4. BSc Biology

    University of Porto
Awards & Grants
Ph.D. Grant (PD/BD/150359/2019). Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
∙ September 2019